Lyrics: Teresa Salgueiro
Music: Teresa Salgueiro | Rui Lobato, Óscar Torres, Marlon Valente | Graciano Caldeira
I go through the sea air
I run barefoot
Through the verses of a day
I groom my soul
With crystals of light and salt
I weave a veil of sea foam
Seaweed, sand and coral
I go
Dressed of sea
Through the beach
I reap my words slowly
Syllables, tones
Between my fingers
That set on fire
I dive softly
In the silver waves
I follow the stream
Of perfumed tides
I run through the melody
Primal, of the Sea
Fast and elusive
The voice of the entire life
In peace
I float away
Without time or map
I go, surrendered
By the bright colours
Of dawn